Become A Member

Two members in a kayak holding paddles and smiling

We'd love to have you!

Join our Waiting List here!

Max Higbee Center focus is to serve youth and adults living with developmental disabilities to engage in community-based recreation. 

Please Note: At this time, all programs have a waiting list which could delay entry to programs for up to one year. We encourage you to fill out the above form to add yourself to the wait list!

Specific disability documentation is not a requirement and folks with a range of support needs and independence are equally welcome in our programs. Our orientation process is required to assess goals, needs, and to get to know you. If you would like to be involved but are not interested in supported recreation, consider becoming a volunteer!

Staff are trained and available to support you in programs so that you can participate at your desired level. Please communicate to staff if there are specific areas they can help support you with in programs.

Areas that staff CANNOT support members:

  • Bathrooming
  • Administering medications
  • Feeding
  • Intervention and de-escalation for violent/aggressive behavior

If you need help with any of the above areas, please arrange to come with a family member or qualified caregiver who is trained and able to assist you. All members must past a background check that includes Washington State Patrol and National Sex Offender Registry screening.

To pursue getting started in our programs, please complete the following steps:

  • Add yourself to the waiting list.
    • A staff member will be in touch with you to inform you of the waiting list length.

When room is available, a staff member will reach out to you to schedule your new member orientation or returning member orientation, at which point you will:

  1. Fill out a Member Profile Form (sent to you after we schedule your orientation).
  2. Attend the orientation to discuss your program interests, goals, and support needs.
  3. After your orientation and background check are complete, start attending programs!

Questions or Need Support Applying?

If you need accommodation to apply or would like to request that auxiliary aids (sign language interpreters, readers) be provided, or have general questions, please contact our Program Director and ADA Coordinator Alyssa Jones via email: or phone: (360) 398-6669 | 711 (TTY/WA Relay)

Want to get involved?

Whether you are looking to become a member, get involved with programs and/or events, or support us with your contribution.


Become a Max Higbee Member



Volunteer for Programs or Events



Contribute to our Center